Emotes Sub Badges and Cheer Alerts
Emotes for twitch or youtube, or even just ones of yourself to post on twitter whenever the moment is right, take your pick. I also do sub badge sets, and on the rare occassion I'm happy to take on an animated cheer alert, slots are limited for those.
Know what you want and just need the order form? Click here.
♦ Drawn Emotes ♦
Single l Pair l 4 Pack
★$40 ★$70 ★120
+Pricerange may change depending on complexity. For a set quote please email me the details.
♦ Pixel Emotes ♦
Single l Pair l 4 Pack
★$30 ★$50 ★90
+Pricerange may change depending on complexity. For a set quote please email me the details.
♦ Sub Badges ♦
Simple l Evolving
★$10ea ★$20 eac
+Simple is a recolour or slight adjustment per sub badge, while Evolving has an entirely new image for each.