Order Form - OPEN
Email this filled out form to amybinoftrash@gmail.com you can either use the contact form below or if you'd like to send images you can email me directly.
This form is designed to make it easier for both myself and the consumer. Please take care to ensure you have filled the form out correctly as it may result in your order not quite meeting what you envisioned it to be.
By filling out this form you are agreeing to my terms of service, and are purchasing my time and skill.
All art will be drawn based on the filled out form, that includes style, your character reference etc.
Prices will be based off the total in the form, if you make any additional changes after the sketch phase has been accepted, you will be charged extra.
Work will be based on what you have given me, so please fill your form in with care otherwise it may not come out how you pictured it.
If you submit an order form with no solid idea, you may be charged extra for consulting as it takes my time to find what you want. With this in mind please try to have a solid idea of what you’d like and explain it as best you can.
I may decline a commission at any given time if my terms of service are broken.
If an order form is not filled out I will not be taking your order. Please keep that in mind.
Commission form - This form needs to be filled out for each individual piece you want drawn.
When filling out this form, if you want to send images either email me directly or send links to images.